Why NOW Is the Time to Start Your Remote Job Search (And 6 Tips on What You Can Do)

Remote work has been on the rise – especially what happened in the last year during the pandemic. As a result, people are starting to look for more ways of working remotely and earning more money while doing so. 

land your first remote job, andrea valeria, itsatravelod

If you’ve been thinking about looking for a remote job, or if you’ve been watching from the sidelines, NOW is the time to do it. 

I’m Andrea, and I’ve successfully been working remotely for 6 years. Like you, I was searching for ways to earn money online and needed a career to move while I did. I developed a program called Land Your First Remote Job that has helped hundreds of people like you successfully get their first remote job.

In this post, we’ll discuss 6 tips for getting work online. My students in the program DM me all the time about landing their first remote jobs, so I wanted to share some of their tips on what they’ve been doing well. 

Here are 6 tips on how to help you start your remote job search ASAP

  1. Start taking action

This is the tip that essentially starts wanting you to do what you want in life. Starting a new career or anything that you’ve never experienced before can be uncomfortable. You can become paralyzed in your fear of thinking “This is so scary”, and “What if I fail?”, that prevents you from taking action. 

The trick is to just start. Even if it is a little step towards your goal. And if you still need help on getting started, there are so many free resources online, such as my free class to help you.

2. Set Goals

Setting goals is necessary for your new remote career journey. Your goals should be specific and tangible. To do this, first, ask yourself why you want to work remotely. Examples of your  reasons could be, “I want the extra money to go traveling” or “I want to be super flexible around my schedule to spend more time with my kids”.

This helps motivate you to turn your vision of this future into reality and help choose where you want to go in life.

3. Take That Next Step

As mentioned before, starting anything new can be discomforting. But to begin your new journey, you need to just take that next step. 

Taking that next step helps you cross that invisible border of uncertainty towards your goal.

For example, take my journey starting as a remote worker. I didn’t know that it would lead to traveling the world, that it would start generating passive income, or that I would start mentoring others on how to do this. I just took the first step. 

land your first remote job, andrea valeria, itsatravelod

4. Change Your Mindset

The next thing to think about is your mindset. Is it, “The market is oversaturated, no one wants to hire me”, or “I don’t have any experience working remotely, so I can’t do this”. I am telling you right now that these thoughts aren’t true! 

In the Land Your First Remote Job FB group, my students are getting remote jobs every single day, so why not you? They don’t have anything special; the only thing they did was reframe their mindset from the negative thoughts and started to become problem solvers.

For instance, why not research companies that are thriving right now and target them. Or look up industries online or hot skills that aren’t going anywhere like copywriting or video editing. 

Start checking in with yourself daily, and look for ways to solve problems rather than having a closed-door attitude.

5. Assess Your Skillset

Take a look at your skills and think about what you have to bring to the table right now. What helps is writing down skills you currently have, and examples of what you can offer. Skills like admin work such as email, scheduling, booking, etc. 

If you enjoy writing, that can be a niche in repurposing for blogs, or if you like to organize, some jobs need someone to organize content or tasks. 

Having a visual skills list shows you where there are tons of things you can do, and different things you can offer to help business owners. Also, check out this blog post where I breakdown 21 skills you can add to your resume.

6. Adjust That Attitude

When starting your online journey, I see more often than not an attitude of the desperation of “Please can somebody hire me?” when applying and pitching for remote jobs. The key is to be confident.

The hiring managers can sense if you’re confident or not. When you’re confident during an interview, they will believe that the role you’ve applied for is in good hands for the company.

Having a confident attitude, and reflecting that on your job application and interview overall is going to open up so many doors for you. 

Which of the six skills are you going to use on your next job application today? ALL of them are essential. Either way, my free class would help you tremendously. It includes:

  • What skills you have to apply to remote jobs today

  • How to get hired without experience

  • A step-by-step plan so you can land your first remote job

If you are serious about working remotely or need to know how to start building your resume, check out the resources posted below!


As always, I am here to help my community. Be sure to slide into my DMs if you have any additional comments or questions, it’s what this Remote Work Queen is here for! Also, be sure to share your wins and successes @itsatravelod.
