5 Tips to Keep Yourself Organized While Applying to Remote Jobs

You finally did it. You've completed that application from the Remote Job Directory and sent in your remotified resume to that job you've been eyeing. Now, all you have to do is mark it and save the information somewhere on your laptop or computer. 

Except that when you do, it gets lost amongst the other jobs you've applied to or worse -- you accidentally deleted the document that was tracking your “Applied to Job” list. 

andrea valeria, itsatravelod, land your first remote job

Does this sound like something you've done or are currently experiencing? Just know that YOU’RE NOT ALONE!

This is something I see my students in my program struggle with ALL the time. They’ve said things like:

"I've applied to so many jobs it's hard to keep track of where I applied to"

"I forgot who I should send a follow-up email to"

"I can't keep all this organized"

 And the feeling of being overwhelmed actually happens so often that just the process of applying to a job feels like a job. 

How can you keep yourself organized?

So before you lose your mind, I’m going to share with you 5 of the top tips I’ve used to keep myself organized while applying to remote jobs. I’ll be going over these points: 

1.     Use Google Drive

2.     Keep track of job interviews/follow-ups on a calendar

3.     Use a task management tool

4.     Track jobs on a spreadsheet

5.     Set phone notifications and alarms

  1. Use Google Drive

If you’re not already using Google Drive, you should be. You can use it to organize almost everything, and it’s easy to access your files from anywhere. I love its user-friendly interface and that it can be downloaded and used on any device.

The best way to start organizing your documents and files is to create folders within the drive with easy-to-read headers. This can be done in several different ways. For example, you can title one folder “Resumes” and keep all the various resumes used to apply for jobs in there. Another folder can be titled “Jobs”, and contain all interested jobs or applied to jobs.

The way that I love to organize my folders in Google Drive is to have subfolders within the main folders. For example, within the main Resume folder, I would create new subfolders according to each job description or areas like Admin or Marketing. 

In the Admin folder, I would place my resume specific to Admin jobs in there, along with any references or portfolio sample pieces. And the same would go for the Marketing folder - my resume specific to marketing jobs would be there, as well as any testimonials or sample pieces.

You also have the option to color-code your folders. Just right-click each folder, and select the option “change color”. This is a great option if you’re more of a visual person and would like to navigate your files quickly. 

You can get more tips and tricks on how to organize and use Google drive here


2. Keep Track of Job Interviews/Follow-ups on a Calendar

Keeping track of the jobs you interviewed for, as well as which ones you need to follow up on a calendar are key to landing your first remote job. 

Why Andrea?!” Do you ask? Because it’ll help you get more organized in the job application process, as well as show potential employers how serious you are in working with them when you show up at the right time.

Speaking as someone who has experience in the corporate and remote hiring process, when a potential employee shows up on the day of the interview and does post-interview follow-ups  both in a timely manner, it tells the employer that you want this job.

You could be doing all these interviews and follow-ups, and with the sheer amount that you need to keep track of, a calendar is the easiest way to do so. 

Different ways you can keep track of these can be:

  • The calendar app (iPhone or Android) on your phone

  • A desk calendar or even a refrigerator calendar

  • A calendar on a whiteboard placed easily where you can see it

  • A calendar created in Canva and saved on your computer

The way I love to use a calendar for interviews is to literally write the word “Interview” under the corresponding date, along with the time and name of the company I’m interviewing for. The same system would be for follow-ups and just writing the word “follow-up” next to the information.  It would look like this on your calendar under the date:

Interview 9:45 am MarketHire

Follow-up 11 am Oak

3. Use a Task Management Tool

While applying to remote jobs, it can be hectic keeping yourself on track of what you need to do. I personally love using management software to help me professionally and in my daily life. 

Using a task management tool allows you to essentially have a “To-Do” list of what tasks you’ve completed, which tasks are pending, and what tasks need to be done. Two of my favorite task management tools that are free to use are Asana and Trello

In the software, you’re able to create a different project or “card” for each job you’re applying for. Once you create the task, you can create sub-tasks for that job and set the due date. For example, you start a new project with the name of the job you’re applying to, like “Firstbase” and set the due date for next Friday.

In that project, you can create sub-tasks like “Apply to this job”, “Get ready for interview” and “Send follow-up email”. Once you’re done with each task, you can click on it to mark that you’ve done that task.

Using a task management tool lets you keep everything in one place, as well as have everything prioritized and manageable.

4. Track Jobs on a Spreadsheet

A spreadsheet is a very easy way to keep track of the whole job application process. Should you decide not to use any of the three previously mentioned ways, using this way alone can help keep you organized.

To use a spreadsheet, you can either use Excel, Google Sheets, or any other free online spreadsheet app. 

You can input information about the job  such as:

  • Company name

  • Date applied

  • Date interview/ed

  • Notes

  • Interviewer’s name

  • Sent follow-up email

What’s great is that, if you feel the need to add additional columns, a spreadsheet allows you to add as much information as you feel the need to.


5. Set Phone Notifications and Alarms

Out of all the ways that I’ve mentioned to keep you organized during the job process, this is one of the easiest ways to help you keep on track. Setting up phone notifications and alarms is a simple way that you, and just about anyone, can do.

Nowadays, we’re almost ALWAYS looking at our phones. So it makes sense to use it in a way that helps us optimize our job application process. 

If you have either an iPhone or Android, ensure that you go into your phone’s “Settings” and have notifications turned on for such things as your email, any job apps you’ve downloaded, and anything else that will alert you about jobs. 

Not only can alarms be used to help you wake up in the morning, but it's also a good way to alert you about job tasks. You can set up alarms to remind you about applying to jobs, sending out follow-up emails, and about any upcoming interviews you may have. 

Keep in mind that staying organized while going through the job application process will help prevent you from feeling overwhelmed and exhausted from information overload. 

You can use a combination of any of the tips, or even all together if you REALLY want to stay on top of the job application process.


As always, I am here to help my community. Be sure to slide into my DMs if you have any additional comments or questions -- it’s what this Remote Work Queen is here for! Also, be sure to share your wins and successes with @itsatravelod.


  • Wondering where you can start your remote job search? Watch my FREE training

  • Sign-up HERE to get weekly remote jobs sent to you! 

  • Need to get your resume remotified? Do it here

  • Read this post on how you can land your first remote job