First Day in a New City

As a digital nomad who moves about every 3-6 months to a totally new city, I have the system down. These are the first things I do when I get to a new city.

If I arrive in the morning, there's time for all of these. If not, this takes 2 half-days.

Straight from the Airport

1. To a vacation rental/short-term apartment/AirBnB: I have this set beforehand. I don't plan much, but I always know where I'll be staying the first month. 

2. Get familiar with apartment: Getting the wifi password, finding where to take the trash out. Are there elevators? Do I have all the keys I need?

3. Recognition walk around the neighborhood: I usually stop at a restaurant to eat & then... go to the nearest grocery store. Getting groceries is the easiest way to avoid overspending on food and to eat healthier.

What are your Priorities?

1. Once you're back home. I put away my groceries and then, I find a list of nearby gyms online. You can change this step for anything that is a priority to you. Do you need to know where the nearest vegan restaurant is... or the nearest park... or the nearest movie theater? Whatever it might be! 

2. Another walk around the neighborhood: What I do is walk to every gym on the list I put together. Sometimes I get day passes for my favorite ones. Then, I'll try them out in my first week. Sometimes I just fall in love with one on the first day & sign up right there.

3. Doggy Treats: I love the doggy treat method AKA rewarding yourself. So, after moving to a new city, going grocery shopping and finding a gym... I reward myself with a dinner out at some nice restaurant in the area. 

Home Sweet Home... for Now

1. Settle In: Go back home, unpack bags & organize belongings.

2. Chill. Enjoy new spot!

What would you do on your first days?

Keep overdosing in travel!

-Andrea V.